How to enjoy in the Bus? -My Experience

When we were travelling to Isha Vidya, we went in their school buses. Now, when there are many people are there in the bus, inspite of they knowing eachother they don’t interact much. They don’t go as they know eachother.

The best of our experiences are when we are in the group. Alone you can explore the inner dimension better, you can be peaceful and blissful but for fun and enjoyment you need people.

We got into the bus as per groups. Now the bus started moving and all of us where sitting as per everyone’s comfort. One guy takes out his earphone the leader in our group quickly interrupted that ” we are not doing that😜”

Tha guy replied trying to cover it up, ” Oh! I was just trying to untangle 🤭”

Then once the bus started moving the Coordinator screams “Yesterday everyone shared about their hidden talents, this is the time to show.” He added, ” Tell me who knows how to sing”

I raised my hand ✋ despite of the fact that I don’t know singing but I knew this would happen in a bus. Because there was similar incident happened during Sadhanapada so I knew something of this sort would happen again.

There was a kannada song that was taught to us during Sadhanapada. I said, ” The only condition is everyone will sing with me 🎤. ” I wanted to ensure that if I forget the lyrics somebody will take care.🤪

Then I started singing “Shiva Shiva…”

Everyone joined and they kept singing with me that went fantastic and I did forget the lyrics for a moment as someone covered it up and eventually it went well.

Then everybody started singing here and there in bits and pieces but somehow we managed to sing along the journey. When were travelling back I had a song in mind but it is a depressing song for that situation.

The coordinator said we will play a game.

Then the shout out the rules. “We will count 1 to 11 and anyone can shout any number until we reach to 11 but no two people should shout the same number at the same time. If it happens so, we will start counting from one again”

It seemed easy but damn the game 🎯 was so interesting because when we started counting fast we ended up saying the same number twice and sometimes three people started shouting the same number. Then we thought of waiting and counting but then also after few seconds of waiting we ended up shouting at the same time.

The coordinator reduce than number to 7.

It was fun as it looked easy but it was not happening. We might have tried 20-30 Times to do so then we managed to do it finally. Then we did it for 11 as well.

Then we still has some distance to cover so anna said we will play another game where two people will shoot two words and relating to them two other people should two more words, we will keep doing it until we get the same word from both people.

i raised my hand and there was one more guy sitting behind me raised hand. Coordinator went 1.. 2..3.. go. I said “Cricket” the other guy said “ball” then two people raised hand and in 1.. 2.. 3… One said ” Virat Kohli” another guy said ” Field”. Then we were almost there because there is one one thing that relates to both Virat and field. One akka quickly raised hands and then another anna also raised hand the both screamed “Cricket” at the same time.

the whole bus cheered as if they win. Technically nobody was winning but there was a assurance that everybody was involved into the game.

We played the same game for a few more times and it was fun being inside the bus.

How to engage and bring them together and involve into something to a such an extent that one would forget himself or herself for that particular moment. The burden of identity gets demolished in those few moments and one experience a sense of freedom within.

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