Are you travelling to explore or to escape?

whenever you go out for a party, travel, or something. You always have an expectation in your mind.

What if that does not fulfil?

What is the Objective?


The other day, Niki and I planned to go somewhere out. She suggested visiting the ISKON temple in Rajajinagar. As I was new and knew nothing about Bangalore, I said let’s visit that.

Now, I started searching…

How to go to ISKON. The path and the bus etc.

I have a behaviour that when I have a goal and a clear objective I want it to have as less friction as possible. So, I make a lot of plans. I do have a few backup plans attached to it. It just happens. These days, I am able to control a little and feel like, will see! lol.

Niki and I reached to KLM bus stand and what happened there changed my perspective on seeing travel.

I said to Niki, ” we’ll go by bus to Kempagoda and then from there we will switch to another bus and then like this… etc.

she says, ” We will go in the Metro”

I have never been on a Metro, We have to walk 3.9 KM to get to the station, and this brings a higher possibility of not succeeding in the plan that I have made.

I asked, ” First confirm! is our objective ISKON or METRO?”

she says, “ISKON through METRO”


I understand one of the biggest lessons in my life is that the objective was always been the Metro.

Life is a process in itself.

Now, guess what happened when we reached ISKON through the metro?

We did not go in. There were tons of people and I like peace always. Hence, the objective became the experience of Metro.

Leaving for Mysore

A few days ago I have been to Mysore to visit Chamundi hill and while going on that bus, I was thinking of something and suddenly I realise I have already covered a long distance.

That moment I realise…

When thoughts and emotions capture our mind we become blind and deaf.

The beauty of the world goes unseen.

So, travel essentially means the process, It’s about the journey. It’s about the experience of the entire time. However, if you have something in your mind going on, It is difficult for you to experience the true taste of it.


Human experience is always from within.

If you keep a miserable person near a beach, he will still be miserable.

imagine, If I would not have enjoyed and experienced the Metro then how my journey would be?

Bad, is not it?

However, with the Mysore, it was different…

So, I visited Mysore by alternating Buses and trains. This time I was not trying to set up any expectations I was just going with the flow. When I reached Chamundi hill after 5 hours of journey, I did not find what I was looking for.

It just disappointed the hell out of me.

I thought let’s go back and visit some other places in Mysore.

I visited and later I came back home and I got to know that there was a sadguru place in Chamundi hill I could visit that.

I regret not visiting that.

But is the journey worth it? Or is it just wasted?

for me, the journey I experienced was not new, the hill definitely was new and so was the Mysore palace but not so much exciting to me.

Still, it’s not wasted.

The reason is it is something different.

You see, every tiny thing in this world is unique, starting from grass to an organism. they are not different to our eyes but they are unique.

The creator of this universe has managed to keep everything New, Fresh and Unique.

In this kind of world, when things happen in a loop so exact that you lose the distinction of time, you feel bored out of life.

Cycles are the law of nature but the experience is 100% within your control. So, if you can choose to experience something different that makes your life better. Be it talking to a stranger. Holding a card for awareness, visiting an unvisited place.

When you try to do something different, they give you a story to share and every story has a lesson to spread. If you are a keen observer, you can see the uniqueness and experience of the inexperienced that is being missed by tons of people experiencing the same journey.

While returning back

Now, while returning back from an amazing experience do we feel oh! shit, I am going to go back to my same boring work again or wow! I am going to go back to my work again?

Well, Do travel for experience and exploration not to escape the life you have.



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