Ssadhguru Darshan: A question that I wanted to ask!

Namaskaram Sadhguru,

I am also from Sadhanapada.

As It says Sadhanapada is designed in such a way that it will bring…

  1. Clarity
  2. Balance and…
  3. Intensity

in one’s life.

This is a great tool for people who wants to come to a certain ease and stability in their life without compromising on the things that they are doing.

Undoubtedly Sadhanapada is capable enough to give them that.

And I have immense respect for those who are coming here for their well-being.


I am not here for that.

I am not here for my well-being.

I would not waste your time energy and resources for mere well-being. Because I know I am capable enough to create them by myself.

This is well within my control.

I know how to approach it.

I know what are the things to be corrected in the action.

What are the things that to be thought?

Almost every bit and piece makes health, wealth, money and happiness for a human being.

I can create those by myself.


There are certain things that I can’t create by myself.

It may take 100s of years but still, there is no assurance that I would ever be able to figure them out by myself without your support.


Q1: is there a Fast Track for desperate seekers?

I want Fast Track not because I am impatient but because I am aware of my mortality.

And all that can be done is now.

All that can happen is also now.

Tools or Grace.

You have laid down the tools for everything.


Being ignorant I am not sure that where I am using them right or not.

All I know is I am using them

One can’t open a single nut even after having a screwdriver if one does not know how to use it.

So, having a tool makes a difference only when you know how to use it.

We lack the necessary perception to even ensure whether we are using it right or not.

After heartbreaking sadhana, even Sadhguru needed a touch of his master.

Q2: Can I do them without the necessary grace?

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